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Friday, February 11, 2011

An Introduction to Humanite: Part 1/A.

In this first series of posts (Part 1), I will cover:

+A summary of its position on the political spectrum.

+The basic philosphies and principles that guide & underwite the theory.

+The goals of Humanite (on various levels).

+A highlight of key issues and proposals for their resolution.

After Part 1, Part 2 will do the same again for Humanite's companion theory 'Directionism'.
Parts 3 and onwards will begin covering things for both theories in more detail.

SO! Let us begin with: A summary of Humanite's position on the Political Spectrum.

To begin with, you need to be aware the I am not reffering to the old and outmoded Left v. Right 1 dimentional spectrum.

Nor am I reffering to the contemporary 2D spectrum of Personal and Economic Freedom/Control.

You see, after having problems with the limitations of the 2D spectrum, I struck it lucky when I stumbled onto a 3D Political Spectrum. This is the one I use today when plotting politics.

This Spectrum operates with 3 factors, Economic, Personal and Political. Like the previous generations, this spectrum measures how much 'Freedom' is allowed to each factor. In my opinion, the only real problem with thtis spectrum, is that 'Freedom' is used as a very ambiguos term.

Anyway, now that we have that established....

On the 3D political Spectrum, Humanite generally finds itself with:

Personal Freedom: Limited/Moderate
Economic Freedom: Moderate
Political Freedom: Moderate/High

This places it as a somewhat of a Centrist position.

I would like to make it clear though, that this is not a Centrism born from Moderation, or Compromise.
It is born from the Hybridisation of many different idealogies, from both moderate and extreme ends of the Spectrum.

Take the economic policy for example. Humanite draws from many different schools of thought in order to maximise strengths and minimise weaknesses.

From the Capitalist Schools it acknowleges the benefits from the innovations of free enterprise, and to a more limited extent, the benefits market forces can provide. From the Socialist Schools it believes in the virtues of the democratisation of the workplace and the necessities of regulation. From the Fascist Schools, it recognises that it is best if the State direcly owns and operates its own assets and enterprises and puts them to work for the national good. From the Liberal Schools, it promotes the idea the the prime motivator for economic activity and the nature the goods and services produced, should be Human benefit.

I call this version of Centrism, built out of the eager hybridisation of the best parts of many different theories, rather than compromose and moderation: Radical Centrism.

This system applies not just to the Humanite Economy, but to most other areas and their comprising elements.

The Humanite Economy Policies, Principles & Mechanisms will be discussed in later Parts.


  1. Where did you find the 3d political space graphic? Or do you know upon what polls the percentages are based? Thanks!

    1. He took it from the game nationstates, they use it for the nation classification in game.
